Welcome To The Suite Life.

Elevate Your Retail Insights with the Equio® Retail Suite Add-on

Get Critical Answers that Inform Your Retail Business

  • New Frontier Data thumbnail
    Over time how do product prices vary across state markets?
  • New Frontier Data thumbnail
    What is the customer profile purchasing my competitor’s brand most?
  • New Frontier Data thumbnail
    How can I quickly pinpoint the average price of a package of edibles last week?
  • New Frontier Data thumbnail
    What discounts are impacting market share on brand performance?

Forge Ahead with Informed Decision-Making

The Equio Retail Suite delivers comprehensive, detailed dispensary-level insights across 4 dynamic dashboards, featuring timely data from:

cannabis worker


Get a weekly overview of leading brands and products, spot rising stars by market share, and strategize around pricing and discounts to optimize your offerings.

cannabis worker


Track brand performance within specific categories, understand top sellers by state and product type, and align your inventory with consumer preferences and price expectations.

cannabis worker


Dive into detailed retail trends for each product category, identify diversification opportunities, and set competitive prices with state-specific benchmarks.

cannabis worker


Decode the dominant customer profiles by state and product type, targeting over 160M+ marketable consumers and uncovering new segments to grow your audience.

Amplify your retail strategy.

Questions about subscription levels? Get In Touch.