Who We Are

Welcome to New Frontier Data, the most trusted market research company in the cannabis market since our inception. Our mission is straightforward: to provide the data and analysis that investors, retailers, brands, and regulators need to succeed in the dynamic cannabis industry.


What We Do

For Investors

Make Informed Decisions with Comprehensive Cannabis Data

Since 2014, we have been diligently collecting and reporting on the cannabis industry, offering invaluable insights to help you make sound investments. Whether you're assessing the validity of licenses, analyzing retail transactions for specific investments or entire regions, or identifying which markets promise the highest returns, New Frontier Data has you covered. Our comprehensive data and expert analysis empower you to make informed decisions and maximize your investment potential.

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For Retailers

Reach Your Full Audience Potential

Are you looking to understand which products sell best in your market? Curious about which items should be on your shelves? Do you know who your most valuable customers are and whether you’re reaching your full potential audience? How do you stack up against your competitors? New Frontier Data provides answers to these critical questions. From understanding the impact of merchandising on in-store sales to ensuring you reach every possible customer, our NXTeck platform is here to support your retail success.

For Brands and Manufacturers

Maximize Revenue Potential with Data Insights

Finding the white space to create the next big name in cannabis can be challenging. How do you gauge a product's true revenue potential before making your next investment? With New Frontier Data's Equio Retail Suite, you gain the insights necessary to navigate these complex questions. Our suite of tools and analyses helps you uncover new opportunities, understand market dynamics, and make strategic decisions that drive growth and profitability.

At New Frontier Data, we are dedicated to providing the cannabis industry with the data-driven insights needed to thrive. Trust us to be your partner in navigating this evolving landscape, ensuring you have the information and analysis necessary to achieve your goals.
Cannabis, Psychedelics and Rock n’ Roll

Cannabis, Psychedelics and Rock n’ Roll

In a surprising twist, half of cannabis consumers think psychedelics like LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine should be legal for therapeutic use. But here’s the kicker: […]

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The Highs of Home Growing Cannabis

The Highs of Home Growing Cannabis

Growing cannabis at home has gained significant popularity, providing enthusiasts with control over their product’s quality and reducing costs in the long run. Nearly half of […]

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Honoring Pride: The LGBTQ+ Fight for Medical Cannabis Access

Honoring Pride: The LGBTQ+ Fight for Medical Cannabis Access

It’s Pride Month! Which is a great opportunity to honor the work of the LGBTQ+ community in paving the way for medical cannabis access. Here is […]

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