
November 19, 2017

Change in Compensation: Working in Cannabis

Annual sales of legal cannabis at Nevada’s state-licensed dispensaries are projected to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22% throughout the next five years, […]
November 12, 2017

LePage’s Broken Campaign Pledge Puts the Brakes on Maine’s Adult Use Market

By J.J. McCoy, Senior Managing Editor for New Frontier Data At the start of this month, Maine Republican Governor Paul LePage vetoed the state’s pending bill […]
November 12, 2017

Change in Compensation: Working in Cannabis

Among the cultivation supplies purchased in Grow Generation’s Colorado stores, cannabis growers collectively spent nearly equal budget outlays for Medium (e.g., potting soils, materials and bags, […]
November 12, 2017

Death, Taxes, and Cannabis: How to Keep 280E From Killing You

By Michael Harlow, CPA, Partner To quote Benjamin Franklin, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” and people in […]
November 5, 2017

Mediation: How to Resolve a Dispute Without Getting the Courts Involved

By Adam Foster, partner, Hoban Law Group Let’s face it: Cannabis and the courts have often had kind of a rocky relationship. Nevertheless, disagreements in business […]
November 5, 2017

Change in Compensation: Working in Cannabis

As reported by 1,741 self-selected respondents in New Frontier Data’s 2017 Diversity in Cannabis Report co-sponsored with Women Grow, 46% of cannabis industry professionals took a […]
October 29, 2017

Sexual and Racial Diversity Decreases Risks of Harassment in Cannabis Industry at Large

By J.J. McCoy, Senior Managing Editor for New Frontier Data We live in uncertain times. Yet, New Frontier Data is a data analysis and research firm […]
October 29, 2017

Sexual Harassment in Cannabis

According to a New Frontier Data/Women Grow diversity survey of 1,741 volunteer respondents, roughly 1 among 4 (27%) said that they have witnessed sexual harassment in […]
October 22, 2017

Sentiments on Diversity in Cannabis

Strong Consensus on the Need for Greater Diversity in the Cannabis Industry Nearly 3 out of 4 (74%) respondents to the 2017 New Frontier/Women Grow Diversity […]