
July 5, 2020

Civil Protests Give Urgency to Cannabis Industry’s Social Equity Programs

By Noah Tomares, Research Analyst, New Frontier Data What is a Social Equity Program? While traditional American rhetoric offers a great deal about equality, there is […]
June 29, 2020

Law Enforcement’s Ill-Gotten Gain: Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws v. Cannabis

By Kacey Morrissey, Senior Director of Industry Analytics, New Frontier Data Civil Forfeiture Overview Civil forfeiture laws allow police to seize property—cash, cars, and houses, guns, […]
June 29, 2020

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Civil forfeiture laws allow local law enforcement to retain possession of seized assets, creating inherent conflicts of interest. Federal prohibition of cannabis makes people prone to […]
June 21, 2020

Law Enforcement Benefits From Both Cannabis Prohibition and Regulated Cannabis Businesses

U.S. Code §280E can result in up to a 70% effective tax rate for cannabis businesses, or 2x what other legal businesses pay. (Source: New Frontier […]
June 21, 2020

Catching Cannabis Coming and Going: How Law Enforcement Profits from Illicit and Legalized Marijuana Businesses Alike

By Josh Adams, Ph.D., Senior Industry Analyst, New Frontier Data Amid national protests against the killing of George Floyd, police brutality, and racial inequality, reports emerged […]
June 15, 2020

Cannabis Injustice System

In 2018, more than 660,000 U.S. arrests were made for cannabis-related charges, averaging once per 48 seconds. Since California became the first state to legalize medical […]
June 15, 2020

Racial Disparities and Cannabis Legalization in American Policing

By John Kagia, Chief Knowledge Officer, New Frontier Data “Race is inextricably a part of the American policing system. We will never evolve in this profession […]
June 7, 2020

Word of Mouth Speaks Volumes for American CBD Consumers

By Josh Adams, Ph.D., Senior Industry Analyst, New Frontier Data CBD has been experiencing a dramatic rise in consumer use and awareness over the past few […]
June 7, 2020

How American Consumers Are Learning About CBD

Nearly three-quarters (73%) of Americans have discussed CBD, including two-thirds (67%) of those never having tried it. Roughly two-fifths (39%) of Americans have had CBD recommended […]